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British Christian journalist Dan Woodin, who died in 2020, lived an amazing life. As part of his journey, Wooding hit rock bottom while working in London for British tabloids. One evening, however, in the “Stab in the Back Pub” in London, Dan gave his life to Christ and never looked back.  He became a champion for the persecuted church and has traveled the world to document their cause and share their plight.


The forward in his book “From Tabloid To Truth” is by Brother Andrew, known as God’s Smuggler with a special introduction by British rock star Rick Wakeman.  Pat Boone, Calvary Chapel Pastor Mike MacIntosh, and others have all praised this exciting and inspirational book.


Dan and his wonderful wife Norma were truly faithful to God and the call to share the stories of Christians working around the world for decades. Their news service is found at The ASSIST news site gives you access to stories that are of interest to Christians worldwide.

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